Like every other college graduate, I had my life planned out. Then, God changed everything by calling me to serve as a missionary in Honduras for a year..... a new culture, a new language, and new opportunities.... a whole new adventure!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mission's Day!

Of all the events here at Agape Christian Academy, Mission's Day blew me away!

Each class from preschool to 11th grade is assigned a country a month prior to the event. They then learn about the demographics, politics, people groups, language, and religions of this country. It becomes a center piece in their learning and a prayer focus in their daily devotions.

The event itself is beautiful. Each class designs costumes and a dance performance to a praise song in that county's language. We saw performances from Thailand, Saudi Arabia, The Netherlands, Indonesia, and Venezuela just to name a few. My class represented Panama and they did  an excellent job! With the boys dressed in little cowboy hats and the girls in beautiful white and red traditional dresses, they couldn't have looked more adorable.

I was assigned to braid the girls' hair - I think I did nearly 80 braids!

Mrs. Frech and I - She is the girl costume and I am the boy costume

Getting ready to perform

Straight from Panama folks! ;)

Mrs. Membrano and Mrs. Galo - Indonesia
Indonesia - First Grade

Nuestra Champa! Our Tent Display!

Here we sold Panamanian Food and had a cultural display

Animals Gone Wild Series III: Unexpected Geckos in Unexpected Places

It was a typical Thursday afternoon and I was cleaning the classroom after the students left that day.
I after wiping down the tables, filing graded papers, and putting up the chairs, I usually walk around and make sure all the decorations are still in their place.
Today, however, one of the borders around our white board was falling off. I reached to pick it up off the ground and and flipped it over to add more tape to the back. To my great surprise, although the tape was not working very well to hang to the wall, it managed to hang onto something else.....

There, in the middle of a large piece of tape, sat a baby gecko looking as if it were trying to run away!!!!!! Stuck to the masking tape, it was frozen in mid- step.
I was shocked to see this little creature on the other side of our wall decorations! How long had he been there? And..... did we cause his death?

After examining the situation a little more, it looks like we did indeed cause this poor little gecko to see his last day. Probably while walking across our wall, he got stuck along the way.

This is just another intense of  wild animals we see here in Honduras day to day.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

El Dia de Padres!

We celebrated Father's Day here in Honduras with a Bang!
As we strive for excellence in everything we do, the performance was nothing but a success.
The theme was "sports" and every teacher wore a different sports jersey.
Every preschool father was invited and they were blessed with 2 amazing 5- year old spokesmen, gifts, hugs and kisses, and a special performance from every class saying how much they appreciate their dad.

Our class sang the song "Yo Quiero Ser Como Tu" "I Want to Be Like You"..... Lord, because my son wants to be like me.
The class did a great job and I couldn't be more proud.

See Pictures at the Following Link:

Do You Know Jesus?

The Bible says that we are all sinners. No matter who you are, or what you've lived through in life, there has been some sin that has separated you from God.

God, being the good God He is, sent His one and only son, Jesus Christ, to come in the flesh, take our place, and die for every sin we could commit, to take on any pain we could experience, any sickness we might face, or any temptation that might come our way. Jesus took it all and conquered.
 He died and rose again, defeating every power of Satan, so through taking our penalty of sin upon himself, we can call upon the name of Jesus for forgiveness and  we will be saved. We will have every spiritual blessing the Bible promises us on earth and we have assurance of eternal life with Him in heaven!

I don't know everyone who reads my blogs, but if you have never asked Jesus to be your personal Lord and Savior, or you would like to renew your relationship with Him.....

Please repeat this following prayer, out loud to yourself. As you do, your sins will be erased, you will receive a completely new spirit, clean and in right standing with God, and you will be accepted as a child of God, forever to live in heaven with Jesus. It will be the BEST decision you've ever made in your life.

The Bible Says:

9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9

16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

If you would like to commit your life to Jesus, please pray the following prayer:

Dear Jesus, 
I have read what your word says, that you will forgive me of all my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Right now, I repent of my sins. Jesus forgive me for every wrong, every pain, and every displeasing thing I have done in your eyes. Wash me. Cleanse me. Forgive me. 
I invite you Jesus, to come into my life and become my Lord and Saviour. I no longer live for myself, but I live for you. I want to live eternally in heaven with you.
Thank you for making me a new person. Holy Spirit, lead me in the way I should go. I love you Jesus. Amen.

If you prayed that prayer, you are now a completely new person! 
The word of God says:
17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here!: 2 Corinthians 5:17

You are completely new in Him and this is just the beginning of your life as a Christian -
"a Christ Follower"!
It doesn't stop here. Find a good local church you can attend and please email me at:

I would love to know you've committed your life to God and give you a better idea of where you can start in your relationship with the Lord.

God Bless you!!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Greatest Miracle - Salvation

I was blessed with the opportunity to be a part of personally leading someone to Christ last Thursday!
We had a weekend conference with the Apostle/ Reverend Terry Mize - What a powerful man of God!
Our focus as a church for many weeks has been on saving souls.
The Bible instructs us that "He who wins souls is wise" (Proverbs 11:30 ) and we should store up our treasure in heaven where neither thieves steal nor moths destroy, and where it will last for eternity. (Matthew 6 : 19 - 21)
Further, our cell group leader encouraged us last Saturday that WE have a role to play in preparing the second coming of Christ.

"14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end I will come." Matthew 24: 14

After and only AFTER the gospel is preached to the world, will Jesus return for His people, His church. WE have a part to play. All this emphasis on God's heart for people to know Him has stirred up a hunger in my heart  to be a part of bringing people to Jesus.
Whose life will I touch? Who will share their testimony to others of how they came to Christ and somehow I will be a part of it?

Well, I'm happy to say now Rosa Maria can.

We were at the Terry Mize Conference Thursday night and he was inviting anyone to come to the front of the church to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. Many people went up, however, I started looking around to see if there was anyone else.
I saw a girl with her head down, crying, two rows behind me. I wasn't sure if I should go talk to her, but after a little encouragement, I did. It was so clear the presence of God was moving in her heart.

Thankfully my Spanish has greatly improved, because I was able to have a conversation with this young girl about my age. She had stopped going to church a while ago and now wanted to give her life back to Christ, but was afraid she would be losing something too great.
 After explaining how through Jesus, we are given EVERY spiritual blessing and nothing that we need will go unmet through Him when He is our Savior....
That is exactly what she did. With a little help from a translator, I was able to lead Rosa Maria to the Lord!

What a miracle - the miracle of a new spirit, completely washed and clean, forever to be in heaven with Jesus!
The translator is another missionary here and she even knew of  a cell group Rosa Maria can be a part of here right in her own neighborhood. God is so good!!

I believe sometimes is only takes eyes to see and look for those who need Jesus.
What a shame it would have been if Rosa Maria had come to church, but because she was too afraid, and because she had no one to walk to the front with her, she left church that night lost, without a Savior, and without a friend.
I would encourage you today to step out and give God room to move through you. You just never know what life you'll touch, what soul you'll save, or What God can do!

Animals Gone Wild Series II: Souvenir Shop, 2 Labradors, and "Is that....?"

I am about to take my trip home to the states, so of course I had a list of souvenirs I just had to buy.
My friend Erick said he would help me find what I needed, because he has a "gift" for bargaining in the markets. After circling the city a couple times and realizing all of Erick's "hot spots" were closed for Independence Day, we ended up at San Pedro Sula's largest mall in one last attempt to find the purse I just have to have.
The City Mall is a three - level, newly built mall, with many well - known designers like Zara, Kenneth Cole, Coach, Mango, and Aldo to name a few. However, Erick took me to a store I had never heard of before..... "A traditional souvenir store in the mall?" I thought.... but I was willing to give anything a try.
We walked in and the place looks pretty nice. There are "typico" picture frames, wraps, machetes, key chains, and colorful artwork all over the walls. As we start to look around, I go directly to the purses, because I already have a picture of the purse I want to buy in my mind.  As I am browsing, I feel something furry brush against my leg. I am completely "weirded out" because I am currently in a mall 5 times nicer than the Woodland Hills Mall I shopped at in Tulsa for 4 years, and nothing furry was even  allowed to be inside!
I look down to find a large, well groomed, black Labrador grazing my leg. A mix of shock and confusion hit me to why this dog was allowed to roam around the store and why was he sniffing me! Trying to locate the owner, but even more so, looking for a clear space to get away from this dog in an actually pretty tight space, I quickly, and quietly walked away.
I did indeed locate a clear area near Erick who was looking at picture frames. He was showing me an option I could  pick out for a family member when I hear HIM gasp. I turn to look behind me at what Erick is looking at - there it is - another Labrador - but this time it is yellow. "He has a brother!"
At this point I am wondering who would let these dogs in here!?
 My question was answered as the lady behind the counter noticed how much the dogs seemed to like us. She commented in Spanish, "Aren't they beautiful? I love having them around the store with me everyday. I could never just leave them at home."
Now I'm commenting, but to myself, "Oh my, what kind of souvenir shop.... is this?"
"...Well, it's about time to go. Let me just find my purse and we'll leave."
 I finally did find the perfect purse for my friend and I examined it one last time. As I pull it off it's hook to buy it, I hear a very strange sound.... like water.... but different... then a warm liquid spreads over my opened toed sandals.... this causes me to jump back and look down.....

"IS THAT....?" I grimaced, All to discover it was exactly what I had feared.

The lovely black Labrador who had befriended me so very nicely when we first arrived decided to return for a visit and leave a longterm mark on this newfound friendship. The Labrador found me and decided to PEE RIGHT ON MY FEET!!!

To my amazement, the store owner was watching all this, and simply remarked from behind the counter, "Oh, did he pee again? Don't worry, I'll put some newspaper over it." And she did just that, leaving the pee-soaked headlines in the middle of her store for all the see.

I am so blown away, it took everything in my power to simply pay the woman and walk out of the store so I could release my desperately hidden outburst of laughter! "Who would have thought!" I exclaimed to Erick and Angeleen (who were also in a combination of amazement and disgust.)
 "How is it that in the middle of a nice, established mall, this women allows her dogs to roam around and pee in her store?"
Never before had I ever seen something so strange and I could not help but just laugh for minutes after.

I learned a new phrase that day, which means something similar to , "WHAT A DAY" or "WHAT A TIME!" "QUE PASADA!"
I looked to Erick and commented, "It sure was quite the hot spot!"
The City Mall Where We Found the Souvenir Shop

Honduran Souvenir Shop

To give you an idea of what the dogs looked like.
However, take notice that these Labradors are outside - like those other dogs should have been! haha

Erick and I after it was all said and done.

Happy Birthday Ms. Vigil!!!

Her Custom - Designed Apple "Teacher" Cake
Ms. Vigil (or at other times known as my roommate, dear friend "Ang," and co-worker),
 had her 22nd Birthday yesterday!
Angeleen has absolutely been a "God-send" to my life and Agape Christian Academy.
After needing another teacher for this year and her constantly being on my mind, I contacted Angeleen to see if she would come teach here in Honduras for 1 year, even though she had one year left to finish her Degree in Education from  Oral Roberts University. 
The offer was this: We would help with her plane ticket, she would have a place to stay, I would be her roommate, first month's living expenses taken care of, and a classroom waiting for her in an exceptional,  
bi-lingual school. 
Only catch - She needed to move her life to Honduras in 5 days!
After a series of miracles, Angeleen has been here faithfully serving her Fourth Grade Class at Agape Christian Academy for the past 9 months while finishing the majority of her degree at ORU online.
What a blessing she is to our lives. We love you Angeleen!!!!

Teacher Theme Table Centers

Absolutely Surprised

She Just Can't Believe it -  And That Makes Us Happy :)

Enjoying Cake

Clowning Around

We've been working with our students on how to read. We've discovered the best way to develop their vocabulary faster is to create memorable experiences around the concept. This week, we read a story about face painting and a little clown who was "Clowning Around." After the story, we painted the students faces just like the child in the book. The kids loved it! 

Erick and David - Best Buddies

Isabella and Tai

Me and the Girls :) 

Tai, Sofia, and Isabella
Aren't they Preciosa?

Jorge and I
I let him paint my nose - Can you tell? Haha

My fellow K-5 Teacher of the other class - Ms. Aguilar

Mrs. Frech, Jorge, and I
It was also Jorge's Birthday!

Some People Take Their Work Home With Them, Our Work Never Lets Us Go Home!

Agape Christian Academy is accredited by one of the largest, and most highly accepted Accreditors of Christian Schools in the world. Oral Roberts University(ORU)  is our connection with International Christian Accreditation Association (ICAA), which allows Agape students to be accepted to continue their studies at any University in the world. 

ORU and all persons on the ORUEF Accreditation Board came to Agape to host a teachers conference this past month. All the surrounding schools of Progresso, Yoro, Negrito, and several others were invited for this exceptional time of development. 

In order to prepare for their visit, we teachers spent hours updating our classroom decorations to make sure every detail was accounted for. 

Here is some of our work that kept us at Agape until the wee hours of 2:00 am. Who knew cutting letters and designing posters would take so long? ;)
Praise God we really impressed ICAA and the conference was a grand success!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Where Will You Spend Eternity?

We were privileged to perform a very powerful drama in the city of El Progresso that shows different scenarios of people's lives before and after they die. They all are in heaven when they realize what happened to them and they had to give an account of their life.  Each would ask the angel, "Angel! Look for my name in the Book of Life!" Some would be welcomed into eternal glory with Jesus, and others would be turned away, because they denied him on this earth. It is a privilege and honor to have Jesus Christ as our payment for our sin and KNOW we can spend eternity with Him. If you haven't made that decision - today is the day!
It was a powerful drama and 90 people asked Jesus to be their Saviour and Lord - to spend eternity in heaven with Him!

Where will you spend eternity? 

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever shall believe on Him, will not perish, but have everlasting Life." John 3:16

Keilah and I as Angels

The Face Off

Stairs to Heaven

Over 1,000 People attended - 90 lives changed for Eternity

Stock Up When You Can!

Living in Honduras has been a blessing, but there have been a few life adjustments along the way.
One of the largest is not having a car. This means whenever you need to run an errand or go somewhere, the search begins to first find someone who needs to go to the same place, and at the same time as you.
You can imagine this can be difficult at times. So, we have leaned there are some things you just need to stock up on, and the most important thing is, GROCERIES!!! :)

Here is just an example of our large purchase at Junior Supermarket. This grocery store has everything you could want and it comes at a great price. We may only go once a month to this store, so between my two roommates and I, the car was packed.

My Roommates Angeleen and Walquiria

Where you can find anything your heart desires 

Star Artist: Michealangelo

 We started a new theme for our weekly Art Class called "Star Artist." We teach our K-5 class about some of the greatest artists of all time. This week was Michealangelo and the Sistine Chapel.
We gave a PowerPoint presentation and I was able to share with them my experiences of when I traveled to Rome.
The students then got to paint their own masterpiece, looking up at the ceiling, just like Michealangelo did to create the Sistine Chapel. They had a blast!
Eduardo, Melina, and Miguel

Sofia, Daniel, and Tai

The Director, Mrs. Frech and I

They're having a blast!

Our Star Artist Board

Our Cafeteria where the art began

Erick, Andrea, and David

Hee Jun

                                                  The Work Is Complete!


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Who Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

K-5 Future World Changers
This week in K-5 we learned how God has a plan for each of our lives and that we can be and do anything we want to be. All things are possible through Christ! (Phil. 4:13)
To illustrate this, we had the kids dress up and come to school as who they would like to be when they grow up.
Mrs. Fech Preparing the Class

Showing the Class I Wanted to Become a Ballerina When I was Their Age

I am helping "Dr." Hee Jun with all his Medical Supplies
3 Students Decided to Give Their Hard - Earned Stickers to Me - What an Honor! 

Dr. Hee Jun

Teacher Sofia and Dr. Alejandra

Chief of Police David

Head Contractor Jorge