Like every other college graduate, I had my life planned out. Then, God changed everything by calling me to serve as a missionary in Honduras for a year..... a new culture, a new language, and new opportunities.... a whole new adventure!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Where Will You Spend Eternity?

We were privileged to perform a very powerful drama in the city of El Progresso that shows different scenarios of people's lives before and after they die. They all are in heaven when they realize what happened to them and they had to give an account of their life.  Each would ask the angel, "Angel! Look for my name in the Book of Life!" Some would be welcomed into eternal glory with Jesus, and others would be turned away, because they denied him on this earth. It is a privilege and honor to have Jesus Christ as our payment for our sin and KNOW we can spend eternity with Him. If you haven't made that decision - today is the day!
It was a powerful drama and 90 people asked Jesus to be their Saviour and Lord - to spend eternity in heaven with Him!

Where will you spend eternity? 

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever shall believe on Him, will not perish, but have everlasting Life." John 3:16

Keilah and I as Angels

The Face Off

Stairs to Heaven

Over 1,000 People attended - 90 lives changed for Eternity

Stock Up When You Can!

Living in Honduras has been a blessing, but there have been a few life adjustments along the way.
One of the largest is not having a car. This means whenever you need to run an errand or go somewhere, the search begins to first find someone who needs to go to the same place, and at the same time as you.
You can imagine this can be difficult at times. So, we have leaned there are some things you just need to stock up on, and the most important thing is, GROCERIES!!! :)

Here is just an example of our large purchase at Junior Supermarket. This grocery store has everything you could want and it comes at a great price. We may only go once a month to this store, so between my two roommates and I, the car was packed.

My Roommates Angeleen and Walquiria

Where you can find anything your heart desires 

Star Artist: Michealangelo

 We started a new theme for our weekly Art Class called "Star Artist." We teach our K-5 class about some of the greatest artists of all time. This week was Michealangelo and the Sistine Chapel.
We gave a PowerPoint presentation and I was able to share with them my experiences of when I traveled to Rome.
The students then got to paint their own masterpiece, looking up at the ceiling, just like Michealangelo did to create the Sistine Chapel. They had a blast!
Eduardo, Melina, and Miguel

Sofia, Daniel, and Tai

The Director, Mrs. Frech and I

They're having a blast!

Our Star Artist Board

Our Cafeteria where the art began

Erick, Andrea, and David

Hee Jun

                                                  The Work Is Complete!
