Like every other college graduate, I had my life planned out. Then, God changed everything by calling me to serve as a missionary in Honduras for a year..... a new culture, a new language, and new opportunities.... a whole new adventure!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Honduran Home

Welcome to My Honduran Home!
For safety, we always lock the gate - Sometimes I feel a little closed in - haha
My lovely uniform waiting for me every morning
I love my room! These decorations and air conditioner were a surprise for me when I arrived. Pastora Sheree said I am the first and last missionary to get a new A/C upon arrival - I am thankful! 

My Roomy Angeleen

We love Honduran food here, but some nights we like to make a good home cooked American meal
On the Left is Walquiria - She is the owner of our home, a wonderful "Honduran Mom" for us and the Superintendent of our school
On the Right is Arely - She is our maid and sometimes cook. What a blessing she is to our lives!

Who Knew I'd Be Rovercomer the Dog too!

Rovercomer the Faith Dog

Every Tuesday we have morning chapel for all fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students. Chapels are great times in the week for the children to come together to worship the Lord and learn from their wonderful teachers in a group setting. 

Chapels are always full of skits, games, and surprises. This week, I had the fun job of dressing up as "Rovercomer the Faith Dog" to talk about "Garbage In, Garbage Out" and the importance of guarding your heart.
The kids loved seeing Miss Webb only talk in "German Shepherd," which I have become quite fluent in. ;)
I love that my job description includes activities like these and I have the opportunity to be apart of something so creative, yet impacting. 

I also had to privilege to preach this week's sermon "Garbage IN, Garbage Out." We talked about how in Proverbs 4:23 it instructs us to "guard our hearts, because out of it flows the wellsprings of life."
Through the visuals of trash and candy, we demonstrated how we can have our lives be clean and sweet towards God instead of smelly and full of garbage.  

Asking for Volunteers

"Ethel" was my special helper

Showing the results of a heart of sin
Explaining how to dump out the trash in our hearts and be cleansed again

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Scripture of the Year

Leading Worship in Chapel
Being a teacher has been a stretching learning experience! There are many details to observe for the success of each student. I still remember being in front of 29 kids who were supposed to be working quietly, but instead, two were wrestling in the back of the room. There were six girls sitting on the floor playing, two sitting in the front trying to finish their work, while all the others were roaming about the classroom in disorder. I quickly realized I had a lot to learn. 

Upon praying for wisdom, the Lord gave me a verse for my classroom. This has been my strength. 

"Let Your work appear to Your servant, and Your Glory to their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hand for us, Yes, establish the work of our hands."    ~ Psalm (Salmo) 90:16, 17
Children Worshiping at Chapel
I am beginning to understand the work I am doing here is not my own, nor can I accomplish it in my own strength. It is the Lord's, and I think this is beautiful.
My prayer is exactly that - that God would shine His glory, His beauty, and His covering over these children. I have learned to claim scripture over my life each day because I currently have six children with various learning disabilities, and a vivacious classroom full of energy. I have learned I cannot do this on my own, but with God, all things are possible. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

29 People Were Baptized in the Holy Spirit!

Every Sunday morning before ten o'clock service, over 150 people are meeting together to be trained in discipleship. It has been such an exciting time to see these people grow in Christ. I have recently decided to attend discipleship and am currently in the first class.There are 7 different class levels of discipleship in all and this morning, in the first level class, we learned about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It was a powerful teaching, which afterwards our instructor prayed over us in the Holy Spirit. Twenty nine people were baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues for the first time!! This was such a powerful moment and it is so exciting to see the Lord growing His church. 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Powerful Chapel Times

Every Tuesday we have chapels for all of Primary and Secondary students. These past chapels, there was a powerful outpour of God's Spirit! 
I have been privileged to lead worship for the children in the morning and be a part of the band in the afternoons. There is something so beautiful about seeing these students worship God!

In the morning, the children had a powerful time. There was such a sweet presence of God that filled the room and afterwards, we had a time for testimonies. One student shared she received a call to be a pastor. Another student of mine, Karla, had a fever earlier that day and was not feeling well. She shared with the class, after we prayed for her, she felt well again. Praise Jesus!

In Secondary chapel, the presence of God fell so strong in worship we did not have a sermon. Students filled the altar and asked for a new touch from God. The teachers laid hands on them and words of knowledge and prophesy flowed. 

It is amazing to be a part of a school where there is a time to seek the Lord together and see the gifts of the Spirit operate freely!

Fourth Grade Spelling B

One of the most important things to a student at Agape Christian Academy is if he or she is able to compete in the annual Agape Spelling B. The competition is usually high, because some students have been involved in the contest for several years running. 
In order to choose the contestants, each class has a Spelling B to determine who will represent the school. My class had our Spelling B this past week and some of my students were really nervous. As a result, one of my students Katherine, said the cutest thing:

It was her turn to spell the word towards the end of the Spelling B. Her word was "accomplish."
After hearing the word, she replied, "Can you repeat that Miss?"
I said, "Sure. Accomplish."
She thought a bit harder and then asked, "May I have a sentence with that Miss?"
My response was, "Yes you may. I would like to accomplish my life goals."
She stuttered and thought for a long time and then asked...... "Could you spell that for me Miss?"
I had to hold back my laughter as I reminded her that to spell the word was HER job. :)

Each student did very well and two of my brightest students will represent in our school's competition.