Like every other college graduate, I had my life planned out. Then, God changed everything by calling me to serve as a missionary in Honduras for a year..... a new culture, a new language, and new opportunities.... a whole new adventure!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Who Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

K-5 Future World Changers
This week in K-5 we learned how God has a plan for each of our lives and that we can be and do anything we want to be. All things are possible through Christ! (Phil. 4:13)
To illustrate this, we had the kids dress up and come to school as who they would like to be when they grow up.
Mrs. Fech Preparing the Class

Showing the Class I Wanted to Become a Ballerina When I was Their Age

I am helping "Dr." Hee Jun with all his Medical Supplies
3 Students Decided to Give Their Hard - Earned Stickers to Me - What an Honor! 

Dr. Hee Jun

Teacher Sofia and Dr. Alejandra

Chief of Police David

Head Contractor Jorge

Off the Preschool

I have been working with our Spelling Bee Champions to prepare them for the national competition coming in February - they're going to do great! Meanwhile I have also been waiting for my next placement in the school.
This week I was asked to step in as the Assistant Teacher in our K-5 Preschool Class!
Although a completely different structure, all the experiences and skills I learned from teaching Fourth Grade has been a great base for learning to work with kindergarteners.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mountain View Bike Ride

I had the best afternoon!
After having lunch in all Spanish with four or my Honduran friends, I met up with a dear friend and fellow missionary, Sarah, to catch up on life.
We decided to go on a bike ride right at the foot of the mountains.
Que Bonita! (How Beautiful!) In this area, we saw countless iguanas, which Sarah calls her "friends" as she bikes often here.
As we were riding, we were brain storming together to further the new ideas and visions God has placed in our hearts for this next coming year. God is going to do great things! I can't wait to see how these new outreaches and school programs are formed and I'm thrilled to be partnering with Sarah to accomplish it.

Back in Honduras!

I'm back in Honduras safe and sound.
This transition was harder than I thought it would be. The first few days felt like a dream, but after the week passed, I feel back to normal again.
I officially made the last finishing touches to my grade book and handed it, and my wonderful Fourth Grade class, over to Mrs. Contreras who returned from her pregnancy leave.
It is sad not to be with the kids anymore, but with hugs from them everywhere I go and some still running up to me and giving me Christmas gifts, I still feel like their teacher. :)

Now, it's time to start a fresh season here, which makes our fast and prayer this week as a church  perfect timing. We are seeking the face of God to know His direction for our lives and the church this coming year. What a perfect way to start El Ano Nuevo!

"When you seek me, you shall find me, and I will show you GREAT and MIGHTY things that you did not know."  Jeremiah 33:3