Like every other college graduate, I had my life planned out. Then, God changed everything by calling me to serve as a missionary in Honduras for a year..... a new culture, a new language, and new opportunities.... a whole new adventure!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In the Right Place at the Right Time

It was Sunday after church, and eating out at Friday's sounded really good. It had now been 3 months since I ate at a sit down restaurant and I was ready!
We're on our way there in the car when I hear my friend Pamela yell, "Sana en el nombre de Jesus!" "Health in the name of Jesus!" I look over to where she is pointing, and I see a man convulsing on the side of the road. The four of us immediately decide to pull over and help.
The first thing in an American mind when something goes wrong is to call the police. However, here in Honduras, the police take so long, the first thing that comes to a Honduran is to just act right then and do what you know to do. So, that's exactly what we did. We just ran to the man and started evaluating the situation. He appeared to be unconscious and he was shaking heavily. 
We were able to calm him down, give him water, and pray over him. After praying for a couple minutes, we were able to see him return to consciousness and eventually to full health.
It turns out he was walking back from the hospital after receiving some medicine and passed out on the side of the road. We thanked God were were in the right place at the right time and that the man was going to be okay.
Friday's was as wonderful as I thought. A sit down restaurant and a good old American cheeseburger does the body good. :)
During our meal, Pamela received a text asking her to tutor  a mutual friend's son. She had never met them before, but agreed to meet them at Dunk and Donuts for coffee. She invited me along.
We  met with the man and his son to explain his bilingual homework and ended up talking to him for quite a while. 
Earlier that day, Pamela had prayed that God would lead her to the people that needed Him. As we're talking to this man, we were able to invite him to church. He goes on to tell us that he is Catholic, but has always wanted to really know God. He gave us many excuses for why he has not attended church yet, but we just encouraged him to come this Thursday and bring his family. We told him of Pamela's prayer just a few hours earlier and that our meeting was not an accident. Pamela and I are believing for his salvation and excited to look for him and his family at church this Thursday.
What was supposed to be just a lunch out with the girls, turned into a day of ministry. That is the fun thing about the Holy Spirit leading our lives as Christians - we are able to be a part of things we never could have predicted.

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