Like every other college graduate, I had my life planned out. Then, God changed everything by calling me to serve as a missionary in Honduras for a year..... a new culture, a new language, and new opportunities.... a whole new adventure!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Scripture of the Year

Leading Worship in Chapel
Being a teacher has been a stretching learning experience! There are many details to observe for the success of each student. I still remember being in front of 29 kids who were supposed to be working quietly, but instead, two were wrestling in the back of the room. There were six girls sitting on the floor playing, two sitting in the front trying to finish their work, while all the others were roaming about the classroom in disorder. I quickly realized I had a lot to learn. 

Upon praying for wisdom, the Lord gave me a verse for my classroom. This has been my strength. 

"Let Your work appear to Your servant, and Your Glory to their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hand for us, Yes, establish the work of our hands."    ~ Psalm (Salmo) 90:16, 17
Children Worshiping at Chapel
I am beginning to understand the work I am doing here is not my own, nor can I accomplish it in my own strength. It is the Lord's, and I think this is beautiful.
My prayer is exactly that - that God would shine His glory, His beauty, and His covering over these children. I have learned to claim scripture over my life each day because I currently have six children with various learning disabilities, and a vivacious classroom full of energy. I have learned I cannot do this on my own, but with God, all things are possible. 

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